U.S. Energy Independence - How To Achieve It
1. Support Iraq's neighbors participation in the peace process. Maliki is shia, so Iraq is going to join up with Iran to refine and sell Iraqi oil and there’s nothing the West can do about it. China and Russia will be buying their oil as long as it lasts. When Iran and Iraq join up, though, the rest of the middle east may do something about it, because the Sunni middle east is terrified of the primitive radicalism of the shia mentality and Iran’s military might. When we support democracy, we must allow the people to choose. Once the violence stops, our troops can come home, we gave them a chance to live in peace, and the Iraqi people are now being held hostage by the ancient feuds and ethnic cleansing instead of living in peace. They are now a democracy, so they are free to choose. We shouldn’t leave in the midst of violence, allow the neighbors to restore order if possible, then our troops will come home. If not possible, then why are we there? Bring the troops home. Then we ***MUST*** become energy independent within 10 years.
Our troops have performed brilliantly. We should honor them by allowing any outstanding conflict to be resolved by regional powers, then bring them home to celebrate them for the heroes they truly are.
2. By 2010 the US is projected to produce only approx 5 million barrels per day, combined with what we are importing, that leaves us 5 million barrels per day short. Look at the red dot in this picture. http://www.anwr.org/docs/CloseupofareaIII.pdf That dot is the size of the proposed oil field that could potentially, only drilling will tell, supply the US with what is realistically estimated to produce 18 billion barrels of oil. Do the math, and you will find that means this little red dot could make up our shortage for 3600 days, or approx 10 years. Environmental advances are such that oil production and wildlife can co-exist, the people of Alaska want it, the people of the US want it, and the jobs and economic benefit to our citizenry is undeniable.
3. Brazil announced in March 2006 that it will achieve energy independence within a year. After 30 years of research and investment, they have found the right combination of sugar ethanol production and automobile production regulation to achieve this feat. Brazilian ethanol makers also are interested in partnering with U.S. ethanol producers. After 10 years, we too could have a thriving ethanol industry.
Drilling ANWR will satisfy our need for oil while we get up to speed on ethanol.
Why does this matter? Because every penny we give OPEC pours into the middle east and is a penny that in some way, shape or form that could be funneled back to terrorist organizations to buy weapons and research nuclear technology. Let Russia and China buy their oil for now, eventually we will make it more economical for them to buy ethanol from us. As demand for oil drops, so does terrorist funding. Only when no one wants to buy their oil, will we truly be safe.
When the windfall profits from oil revenues cease to exist, they won’t have money for bombs. We must win economically, it is the only way. I don’t know how long we’ve got before nukes start blowing up in our cities, but it will take us at least ten years to implement this plan, so we need to start today.